Backyard Beginnings
It's been a jam-packed couple of weeks, so let's catch up on some projects that we've been working on. Lots of time and energy have been devoted to our backyard (HUGE understatement), and it's so worth it! Our lawn, which we dreamed about for years, is finally a reality! And my little garden is slowly springing into existence.
First, here's a glimpse of what it looked like not long after we moved in last Fall...
The lot you see along the side of the deck doesn't belong to us - but the tall weeds you see there actually filled our backyard as well. Eeek! My hubby spent many, many (many, many...) hours/nights/weekends out there, digging and battling the "jungle," as we called it. Once the weeds were gone, there were tons (literally - tons) of concrete to be dug up and haul away. It was definitely a labor of love! So with that very abbreviated summary and skipping ahead several months...
ahhhhhhhhh... beautiful!
first lawn mowing :)
Voila! A gorgeous green carpet fills our backyard, and we're loving it! I came home today to find Tim stretched out on the lawn on a blanket with a book and cold drink - makes the effort all worthwhile. :)
I also planted a garden in the back corner - starting small at first. You can sort of see the patch of dirt in the back right corner in the first picture of the lawn above - that's my garden! This is also something I've dreamed of for years, and it makes me sooooo happy to think about picking vegetables from our backyard. :) Here are some of my supplies....
And a close-up so you can see what I planted...
I planted it about 3 weeks ago and here it is today...
The happiest item you see - sort of center, back - is zucchini. It's really thriving! I need to thin out a few things, since they're growing too close together. I'm definitely pushing it as it is, planting everything a bit closer than recommended - but I couldn't narrow it down to only 2 or 3 veggies... so we'll see how it goes. I also took a risk planting seeds rather than established plants (with one exception - the habanero in front left corner) this late in the season... so I'll keep you posted on their progress. It makes me so happy to see it all coming to life.
This dude is coming over the fence into our yard from the neighbor's, but we'll take it! They're blackberries, and they're in season - yum!
So, there's a wrap-up of our outdoor progress. Lots of next steps on the list in my mind... some type of border for the garden, to give it a more finished look (aesthetics are important to me, after all!), lots of plants along the back fence, etc. etc. etc. I've been scouring craigslist for the perfect deck furniture - I'm thinking something in wicker or rattan (love the texture they bring) with super comfy cushions. Also an outdoor rug and some other accessories. But, one thing at a time. In the meantime, we're enjoying the carpet of green every time we look out the window! :)
Awesome, Katie & Tim - What a great job you both have done!! It's a truly awesome transformation. I just picked my first zucchini last week. Also planted my first "Sugar Baby" watermelon this year - talk about taking over the garden, but I can't wait... Thanks so much for sharing.
I love your yard!! When can I come visit?? I need to make a trip to Japantown for new pillow covers, and eat some crepes!!!! Love, Mary S. :)
It looks so great - all that hard work has paid off! Hope you get lots of veggies! MOM
I love the timber wall the most. Grass looks great.
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